Procumbens Nana Juniper (Cloud Style) XL Bonsai Tree
House of BonsaiSpecies: Juniperus procumbens 'Nana'
Estimated Age: About 30 Years
Height: About 15 - 18 Inches
Width: About 17- 19 Inches
Trunk Size: About 1.25 - 1.5 Inches
Lighting: Full to Partial Sun
Type: Evergreen
Difficulty: Easy
This species is the most popular tree used as bonsai for beginners. Their compact small soft thorny light green foliage grows into branches over time. During the summer months, it has strong growth patterns. The branches stay flexible for a longer period of time compared to other bonsai materials. It's possible to make virtually any sort of style with this species.
Not only that, they're forgiving for beginner level caretakers with their hardiness and semi-drought resistant qualities. It's an evergreen tree, so it can be enjoyed all year long without dropping all of its leaves. It's also known as "Green Mound Juniper".
This particular one has been trained for many years to have a thick trunk with interesting movement and styled branches to look like a large green cloud puff. At this grand size, it's not easy to find this kind of magnificent bonsai tree anywhere else!
Price: Product $250.00 + USPS Priority Mail Shipping & Handling $75.00 = $325.00 Total
The following pictures are general images of each species. Each tree looks slightly different due to the shape, trimming and season of the year. If you want a particular tree as exactly pictured, please go to our eBay store.