Jalako Red Plum Pine (Podocarpus nivalis ‘Jalako Red’) Pre-Bonsai Tree - 4 Inch
Iseli Nursery (Wholesale Only) - Oregon, USASpecies Name: Podocarpus nivalis ‘Jalako Red’
Common Name: Jalako Red Plum Pine
Plant Family: Podocarpus - Plum Pine
Plant Behavior: Evergreen
Care Difficulty/Maintenance: Easy
Light Exposure: Full Sun to Mostly Sun/Partial Shade
Season of Interest: Summer and Winter
Recommended USDA Plant Hardiness Zone: 6-7 [Click here to check what zone you're in!]
Current USDA Zone Being Grown In: House of Bonsai is considered as USDA Zone 10b
Description from Iseli Nursery's Website on This Plant:
Short wide needles with pointed tips are spirally arranged on stiff erect shoots. Noted for its unique seasonal color transformation; dark green foliage in summer changing to a deep red wine color in winter. Small and compact yet sturdy branching makes this a useful durable color accent in the shrub border or container garden. A seedling selection from Kools Nursery in The Netherlands. Named by nursery owner Nelis Kools, who coined the word Jalako in honor of his father Jan and mother Laura Kools.
Podocarpus bonsai have been an easy material for beginners to work with. We hope that its striking intense color shift from summer to winter provides an entertaining viewing as you care for it. Good amounts of growth can be achieved as it can gain about 1-6 inches in a year. It tends to grow in a compact globe shape which makes it a go-to low maintenance option to manage choice for small sized bonsai. Podocarpus nivalis are sometimes referred to as an 'Alpine or Snow Totara' instead of a Plum Pine tree.
Price: Product $25.00 + USPS Priority Mail 4 Inch Pot Bonsai Tree Shipping & Handling $16.95 = $42.95 Total
Read This Before Purchasing ANY Bonsai Trees:
Please understand that the actual bonsai tree that you receive may be different than the example images provided. This is due to a wide range of factors such as: time of year, seasonal variations, differences in trimming & styling on individuals, natural changes during growth over time, etc. Our staff members ARE NOT ABLE to always provide recent photos of any bonsai & pre-bonsai trees for you to pick from due to our limited staff size; even when a written and/or phone request is submitted. House of Bonsai is a high production-oriented bonsai specialty nursery with a limited number of staff. We do not have the means to constantly pull ourselves away from production to take more photos of our ever-changing bonsai trees. This policy ensures that we are able to maintain a huge selection of different species, shapes, and sizes at reasonable prices for the public.
Actual Shipping & Handling Cost May Vary (Depending On Your Location):
Depending on your zip code and distance from our 5.3 acre bonsai nursery store in Lakewood, CA 90713 (within Southern California), there may be an additional shipping & handling cost charge that we need to collect from you for us to finish the fulfillment if you live in “very far away from our store areas” such as: near the New England region, Hawai’i, Alaska, Puerto Rico, the US Territories, etc. Please understand that we have no control over the shipping rates since that is determined by the common carrier (such as USPS, FedEx, UPS, etc) at the time we create the insured shipping label. Shipping rates can vary at any time throughout the year due to a wide variety of factors such as changes in fuel prices, weather challenges during transit, logistics industry labor shortage issues, etc.
We may need to reach out to you via email or phone after you have placed your order to collect additional payment to cover for the extreme distance of your delivery address from our store's address. You can either PayPal or Venmo us the difference at houseofbonsai@gmail.com / @houseofbonsai and we will send you a confirmation that we received it. If you require assistance, we can create an invoice for you to submit payment via PayPal.
*** For further information, please read through our direct website's Shipping, Return & Cancellation Policy page! ***