Japanese Top Quality Aluminum 4.0 mm Bonsai Training Wire - Small Roll 400 g
Made in JapanBonsai Training Wire is essential to use when trying to shape the branches & trunks of a regular tree to form it into a more visually beautiful style to really make it a bonsai tree.
This is for one 400 grams (or 0.88 lbs) Japanese Anodized Aluminum 4.0 mm wire roll. You'll be able to use approximately 12 m of wire in this roll. The anodized wire has been color treated to maintain a good looking and uniform dark brown color at all times of usage.
Price: Product $20.00 + USPS Priority Mail Bonsai Tool Shipping & Handling $9.00 = $29.00 Total
Multiple Tools Shipping Discount Notice:
If you're purchasing multiple tools, excluding large tools, your order may be eligible for a shipping discount! Please email us at houseofbonsai@gmail.com with your Order # and we will see how much we're able to refund you once we package your tools into boxes for delivery.