Chinese Quince Specimen Bonsai Tree
House of Bonsai ImportedSpecies: Pseudocydonia sinensis
Age: About 30 Years
Height: About 16 to 19 Inches
Trunk Size: About 2.5 - 3.5 Inches
Lighting: Full to Partial Sun
Type: Deciduous
Difficulty: Medium
This tree has an interesting look compared to other flowering and fruiting bonsai trees. The bark has a flaky texture that gives it an irregular spots of gray, green and brown all over. Its foliage color changes from a glossy dark green in the summer to red, yellow, gold and a bit of purple in the fall. It blooms small pink flowers in the spring that develops into fragrant shiny yellow fruit. It's sensitive to fireblight and frost, so please take extra care of this tree during the colder months.
Price: Product $975.00 + USPS Priority Mail Shipping & Handling 125.00 = 1100.00 Total