Japanese Medium Duty 8 Inch Root Hook 8" L Bonsai Tool with Red Soft Grip Handle
Made in JapanWhenever you're doing anything with roots and root balls, it's ideal to have a rook hook tool on hand to work on your bonsai tree or anything in your garden!
This simply designed one prong root hook is made in Japan with a carbon steel base. The handle portion has been coated in a soft red rubberized plastic coating for better grip in your hand.
Its design allows it to be used in either the left or right hand. Please hold it with your dominant hand for best tool use.
Price: Product $10.00 + Economic (Slower Speed) Shipping in White 10" x 6" Bubble Envelope $6.50 = $16.50 Total
Multiple Tools Shipping Discount Notice:
If you're purchasing multiple tools, excluding large tools, your order may be eligible for a shipping discount! Please email us at houseofbonsai@gmail.com with your Order # and we will see how much we're able to refund you once we package your tools into boxes for delivery.